Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Data Science

49 stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Full-Stack Development

6 stories

A macbook pro laptop, open about 25 degrees, glowing with a purple light, on a table that’s darkly lit so you only see the inside of the laptop
Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Income Sources

No stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

WSL, Linux, VsCode

2 stories

A screen showing a web browser on a page about GitHub Action
Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Cloud Computing

2 stories

A screen showing a web browser on a page about GitHub Action
Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.


No stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Data Engineering

4 stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Data projects

2 stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

Setup Jupyter Environment

1 story

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

data jobs

No stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.


No stories

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.


1 story

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.


1 story

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.


1 story

Ahmed I.

Ahmed I.

medium optimization

1 story